Domain Index:

Crawl History

#adultContentPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
enabled boolean (required)
#bskyAppProgressGuide - object

If set, an active progress guide. Once completed, can be set to undefined. Should have unspecced fields tracking progress.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
guide string (required)

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 100 max

#bskyAppStatePref - object

A grab bag of state that's specific to the program. Third-party apps shouldn't use this.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
activeProgressGuide ref

Reference: #bskyAppProgressGuide

nuxs array

Storage for NUXs the user has encountered.

Array Length: 100 max

Elements are of type:

queuedNudges array

An array of tokens which identify nudges (modals, popups, tours, highlight dots) that should be shown to the user.

Array Length: 1000 max


#contentLabelPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
label string (required)
labelerDid string

Which labeler does this preference apply to? If undefined, applies globally.

Syntax Format: did

visibility string (required)

Known Values: ignore, show, warn, hide,

#feedViewPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
feed string (required)

The URI of the feed, or an identifier which describes the feed.

hideQuotePosts boolean

Hide quote posts in the feed.

hideReplies boolean

Hide replies in the feed.

hideRepliesByLikeCount integer

Hide replies in the feed if they do not have this number of likes.

hideRepliesByUnfollowed boolean

Hide replies in the feed if they are not by followed users.

Default: True

hideReposts boolean

Hide reposts in the feed.

#hiddenPostsPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
items array (required)

A list of URIs of posts the account owner has hidden.


#interestsPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
tags array (required)

A list of tags which describe the account owner's interests gathered during onboarding.

Array Length: 100 max


#knownFollowers - object

The subject's followers whom you also follow

Data Fields

Name Type Details
count integer (required)
followers array (required)

Array Length: 5 max

Elements are of type:

#labelerPrefItem - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

#labelersPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
labelers array (required)

Elements are of type:

#mutedWord - object

A word that the account owner has muted.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
actorTarget string

Groups of users to apply the muted word to. If undefined, applies to all users.

Default: all

Known Values: all, exclude-following,

expiresAt string

The date and time at which the muted word will expire and no longer be applied.

Syntax Format: datetime

id string
targets array (required)

The intended targets of the muted word.

Elements are of type:

value string (required)

The muted word itself.

Length in Graphemes: 1000 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 10000 max

#mutedWordTarget - string
#mutedWordsPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
items array (required)

A list of words the account owner has muted.

Elements are of type:

#nux - object

A new user experiences (NUX) storage object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
completed boolean (required)
data string

Arbitrary data for the NUX. The structure is defined by the NUX itself. Limited to 300 characters.

Length in Graphemes: 300 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 3000 max

expiresAt string

The date and time at which the NUX will expire and should be considered completed.

Syntax Format: datetime

id string (required)

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 100 max

#personalDetailsPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
birthDate string

The birth date of account owner.

Syntax Format: datetime

#postInteractionSettingsPref - object

Default post interaction settings for the account. These values should be applied as default values when creating new posts. These refs should mirror the threadgate and postgate records exactly.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
postgateEmbeddingRules array

Matches postgate record. List of rules defining who can embed this users posts. If value is an empty array or is undefined, no particular rules apply and anyone can embed.

Array Length: 5 max


threadgateAllowRules array

Matches threadgate record. List of rules defining who can reply to this users posts. If value is an empty array, no one can reply. If value is undefined, anyone can reply.

Array Length: 5 max


#preferences - array
#profileAssociated - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
chat ref

Reference: #profileAssociatedChat

feedgens integer
labeler boolean
lists integer
starterPacks integer
#profileAssociatedChat - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
allowIncoming string (required)

Known Values: all, none, following,

#profileView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
associated ref

Reference: #profileAssociated

avatar string

Syntax Format: uri

createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

description string

Length in Graphemes: 256 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 2560 max

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

displayName string

Length in Graphemes: 64 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 640 max

handle string (required)

Syntax Format: handle

indexedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

labels array

Elements are of type:

viewer ref

Reference: #viewerState

#profileViewBasic - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
associated ref

Reference: #profileAssociated

avatar string

Syntax Format: uri

createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

displayName string

Length in Graphemes: 64 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 640 max

handle string (required)

Syntax Format: handle

labels array

Elements are of type:

viewer ref

Reference: #viewerState

#profileViewDetailed - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
associated ref

Reference: #profileAssociated

avatar string

Syntax Format: uri

banner string

Syntax Format: uri

createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

description string

Length in Graphemes: 256 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 2560 max

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

displayName string

Length in Graphemes: 64 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 640 max

followersCount integer
followsCount integer
handle string (required)

Syntax Format: handle

indexedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

joinedViaStarterPack ref

Reference: app.bsky.graph.defs#starterPackViewBasic

labels array

Elements are of type:

pinnedPost ref

Reference: com.atproto.repo.strongRef

postsCount integer
viewer ref

Reference: #viewerState

#savedFeed - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
id string (required)
pinned boolean (required)
type string (required)

Known Values: feed, list, timeline,

value string (required)
#savedFeedsPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
pinned array (required)


saved array (required)


timelineIndex integer
#savedFeedsPrefV2 - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
items array (required)

Elements are of type:

#threadViewPref - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
prioritizeFollowedUsers boolean

Show followed users at the top of all replies.

sort string

Sorting mode for threads.

Known Values: oldest, newest, most-likes, random, hotness,

#viewerState - object

Metadata about the requesting account's relationship with the subject account. Only has meaningful content for authed requests.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
blockedBy boolean
blocking string

Syntax Format: at-uri

blockingByList ref

Reference: app.bsky.graph.defs#listViewBasic

followedBy string

Syntax Format: at-uri

following string

Syntax Format: at-uri

knownFollowers ref

Reference: #knownFollowers

muted boolean
mutedByList ref

Reference: app.bsky.graph.defs#listViewBasic