Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - record

A declaration of a Bluesky account profile.

Record Key Type: literal:self

Data Fields

Name Type Details
avatar blob

Small image to be displayed next to posts from account. AKA, 'profile picture'

Accepted Content Types: image/png image/jpeg

Max Size (bytes): 1000000

banner blob

Larger horizontal image to display behind profile view.

Accepted Content Types: image/png image/jpeg

Max Size (bytes): 1000000

createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

description string

Free-form profile description text.

Length in Graphemes: 256 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 2560 max

displayName string

Length in Graphemes: 64 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 640 max

joinedViaStarterPack ref

Reference: com.atproto.repo.strongRef

labels union

Self-label values, specific to the Bluesky application, on the overall account.

Open Union:

pinnedPost ref

Reference: com.atproto.repo.strongRef