
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
images array (required)

Array Length: 4 max

Elements are of type:

#image - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
alt string (required)

Alt text description of the image, for accessibility.

aspectRatio ref

Reference: app.bsky.embed.defs#aspectRatio

image blob (required)

Accepted Content Types: image/*

Max Size (bytes): 1000000

#view - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
images array (required)

Array Length: 4 max

Elements are of type:

#viewImage - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
alt string (required)

Alt text description of the image, for accessibility.

aspectRatio ref

Reference: app.bsky.embed.defs#aspectRatio

fullsize string (required)

Fully-qualified URL where a large version of the image can be fetched. May or may not be the exact original blob. For example, CDN location provided by the App View.

Syntax Format: uri

thumb string (required)

Fully-qualified URL where a thumbnail of the image can be fetched. For example, CDN location provided by the App View.

Syntax Format: uri