
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - record

Record declaring of the existence of a feed generator, and containing metadata about it. The record can exist in any repository.

Record Key Type: any

Data Fields

Name Type Details
acceptsInteractions boolean

Declaration that a feed accepts feedback interactions from a client through app.bsky.feed.sendInteractions

avatar blob

Accepted Content Types: image/png image/jpeg

Max Size (bytes): 1000000

contentMode string

Known Values: app.bsky.feed.defs#contentModeUnspecified, app.bsky.feed.defs#contentModeVideo,

createdAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

description string

Length in Graphemes: 300 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 3000 max

descriptionFacets array

Elements are of type:

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

displayName string (required)

Length in Graphemes: 24 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 240 max

labels union

Self-label values

Open Union: