Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - record

Record containing a Bluesky post.

Record Key Type: tid

Data Fields

Name Type Details
createdAt string (required)

Client-declared timestamp when this post was originally created.

Syntax Format: datetime

embed union

Open Union:

entities array

DEPRECATED: replaced by app.bsky.richtext.facet.

Elements are of type:

facets array

Annotations of text (mentions, URLs, hashtags, etc)

Elements are of type:

labels union

Self-label values for this post. Effectively content warnings.

Open Union:

langs array

Indicates human language of post primary text content.

Array Length: 3 max


reply ref

Reference: #replyRef

tags array

Additional hashtags, in addition to any included in post text and facets.

Array Length: 8 max


text string (required)

The primary post content. May be an empty string, if there are embeds.

Length in Graphemes: 300 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 3000 max

#entity - object

Deprecated: use facets instead.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
index ref (required)

Reference: #textSlice

type string (required)

Expected values are 'mention' and 'link'.

value string (required)
#replyRef - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
parent ref (required)

Reference: com.atproto.repo.strongRef

root ref (required)

Reference: com.atproto.repo.strongRef

#textSlice - object

Deprecated. Use app.bsky.richtext instead -- A text segment. Start is inclusive, end is exclusive. Indices are for utf16-encoded strings.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
end integer (required)
start integer (required)