
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - query

Find posts matching search criteria, returning views of those posts.

Query Parameters

Name Type Details
author string

Filter to posts by the given account. Handles are resolved to DID before query-time.

Syntax Format: at-identifier

cursor string

Optional pagination mechanism; may not necessarily allow scrolling through entire result set.

domain string

Filter to posts with URLs (facet links or embeds) linking to the given domain (hostname). Server may apply hostname normalization.

lang string

Filter to posts in the given language. Expected to be based on post language field, though server may override language detection.

Syntax Format: language

limit integer

Default: 25

Minimum: 1


mentions string

Filter to posts which mention the given account. Handles are resolved to DID before query-time. Only matches rich-text facet mentions.

Syntax Format: at-identifier

q string (required)

Search query string; syntax, phrase, boolean, and faceting is unspecified, but Lucene query syntax is recommended.

since string

Filter results for posts after the indicated datetime (inclusive). Expected to use 'sortAt' timestamp, which may not match 'createdAt'. Can be a datetime, or just an ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD).

sort string

Specifies the ranking order of results.

Default: latest

Known Values: top, latest,

tag array

Filter to posts with the given tag (hashtag), based on rich-text facet or tag field. Do not include the hash (#) prefix. Multiple tags can be specified, with 'AND' matching.


until string

Filter results for posts before the indicated datetime (not inclusive). Expected to use 'sortAt' timestamp, which may not match 'createdAt'. Can be a datetime, or just an ISO date (YYY-MM-DD).

url string

Filter to posts with links (facet links or embeds) pointing to this URL. Server may apply URL normalization or fuzzy matching.

Syntax Format: uri

Response Body

Content Type: application/json

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cursor string
hitsTotal integer

Count of search hits. Optional, may be rounded/truncated, and may not be possible to paginate through all hits.

posts array (required)

Elements are of type:


Name Description