
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - query

Get a skeleton of suggested actors. Intended to be called and then hydrated through

Query Parameters

Name Type Details
cursor string
limit integer

Default: 50

Minimum: 1


relativeToDid string

DID of the account to get suggestions relative to. If not provided, suggestions will be based on the viewer.

Syntax Format: did

viewer string

DID of the account making the request (not included for public/unauthenticated queries). Used to boost followed accounts in ranking.

Syntax Format: did

Response Body

Content Type: application/json

Data Fields

Name Type Details
actors array (required)

Elements are of type:

cursor string
recId integer

Snowflake for this recommendation, use when submitting recommendation events.

relativeToDid string

DID of the account these suggestions are relative to. If this is returned undefined, suggestions are based on the viewer.

Syntax Format: did


No error types defined