
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - query

Backend Actors (profile) search, returns only skeleton.

Query Parameters

Name Type Details
cursor string

Optional pagination mechanism; may not necessarily allow scrolling through entire result set.

limit integer

Default: 25

Minimum: 1


q string (required)

Search query string; syntax, phrase, boolean, and faceting is unspecified, but Lucene query syntax is recommended. For typeahead search, only simple term match is supported, not full syntax.

typeahead boolean

If true, acts as fast/simple 'typeahead' query.

viewer string

DID of the account making the request (not included for public/unauthenticated queries). Used to boost followed accounts in ranking.

Syntax Format: did

Response Body

Content Type: application/json

Data Fields

Name Type Details
actors array (required)

Elements are of type:

cursor string
hitsTotal integer

Count of search hits. Optional, may be rounded/truncated, and may not be possible to paginate through all hits.


Name Description