
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#label - object

Metadata tag on an atproto resource (eg, repo or record).

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cid string

Optionally, CID specifying the specific version of 'uri' resource this label applies to.

Syntax Format: cid

cts string (required)

Timestamp when this label was created.

Syntax Format: datetime

exp string

Timestamp at which this label expires (no longer applies).

Syntax Format: datetime

neg boolean

If true, this is a negation label, overwriting a previous label.

sig bytes

Signature of dag-cbor encoded label.

src string (required)

DID of the actor who created this label.

Syntax Format: did

uri string (required)

AT URI of the record, repository (account), or other resource that this label applies to.

Syntax Format: uri

val string (required)

The short string name of the value or type of this label.

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 128 max

ver integer

The AT Protocol version of the label object.

#labelValue - string
#labelValueDefinition - object

Declares a label value and its expected interpretations and behaviors.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
adultOnly boolean

Does the user need to have adult content enabled in order to configure this label?

blurs string (required)

What should this label hide in the UI, if applied? 'content' hides all of the target; 'media' hides the images/video/audio; 'none' hides nothing.

Known Values: content, media, none,

defaultSetting string

The default setting for this label.

Default: warn

Known Values: ignore, warn, hide,

identifier string (required)

The value of the label being defined. Must only include lowercase ascii and the '-' character ([a-z-]+).

Length in Graphemes: 100 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 100 max

locales array (required)

Elements are of type:

severity string (required)

How should a client visually convey this label? 'inform' means neutral and informational; 'alert' means negative and warning; 'none' means show nothing.

Known Values: inform, alert, none,

#labelValueDefinitionStrings - object

Strings which describe the label in the UI, localized into a specific language.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
description string (required)

A longer description of what the label means and why it might be applied.

Length in Graphemes: 10000 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 100000 max

lang string (required)

The code of the language these strings are written in.

Syntax Format: language

name string (required)

A short human-readable name for the label.

Length in Graphemes: 64 max

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 640 max

#selfLabel - object

Metadata tag on an atproto record, published by the author within the record. Note that schemas should use #selfLabels, not #selfLabel.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
val string (required)

The short string name of the value or type of this label.

Length in bytes (when UTF-8 encoded): 128 max

#selfLabels - object

Metadata tags on an atproto record, published by the author within the record.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
values array (required)

Array Length: 10 max

Elements are of type: