
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - query

List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.

Query Parameters

Name Type Details
collection string (required)

The NSID of the record type.

Syntax Format: nsid

cursor string
limit integer

The number of records to return.

Default: 50

Minimum: 1


repo string (required)

The handle or DID of the repo.

Syntax Format: at-identifier

reverse boolean

Flag to reverse the order of the returned records.

rkeyEnd string

DEPRECATED: The highest sort-ordered rkey to stop at (exclusive)

rkeyStart string

DEPRECATED: The lowest sort-ordered rkey to start from (exclusive)

Response Body

Content Type: application/json

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cursor string
records array (required)

Elements are of type:


No error types defined

#record - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cid string (required)

Syntax Format: cid

uri string (required)

Syntax Format: at-uri

value unknown (required) Field can contain arbitrary JSON/CBOR object data