
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#main - query

Enumerates all the DID, rev, and commit CID for all repos hosted by this service. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

Query Parameters

Name Type Details
cursor string
limit integer

Default: 500

Minimum: 1


Response Body

Content Type: application/json

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cursor string
repos array (required)

Elements are of type:


No error types defined

#repo - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
active boolean
did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

head string (required)

Current repo commit CID

Syntax Format: cid

rev string (required)
status string

If active=false, this optional field indicates a possible reason for why the account is not active. If active=false and no status is supplied, then the host makes no claim for why the repository is no longer being hosted.

Known Values: takendown, suspended, deactivated,