
Domain Index:

Crawl History

#accountEvent - object

Logs account status related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
active boolean (required)

Indicates that the account has a repository which can be fetched from the host that emitted this event.

comment string
status string

Known Values: unknown, deactivated, deleted, takendown, suspended, tombstoned,

timestamp string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

#accountHosting - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

deactivatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

deletedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

reactivatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

status string (required)

Known Values: takendown, suspended, deleted, deactivated, unknown,

updatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

#accountStats - object

Statistics about a particular account subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
appealCount integer

Total number of appeals against a moderation action on the account

escalateCount integer

Number of times the account was escalated

reportCount integer

Total number of reports on the account

suspendCount integer

Number of times the account was suspended

takedownCount integer

Number of times the account was taken down

#blobView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cid string (required)

Syntax Format: cid

createdAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

details union

Open Union:

mimeType string (required)
moderation ref

Reference: #moderation

size integer (required)
#identityEvent - object

Logs identity related events on a repo subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
handle string

Syntax Format: handle

pdsHost string

Syntax Format: uri

timestamp string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

tombstone boolean
#imageDetails - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
height integer (required)
width integer (required)
#modEventAcknowledge - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
acknowledgeAccountSubjects boolean

If true, all other reports on content authored by this account will be resolved (acknowledged).

comment string
#modEventComment - object

Add a comment to a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string (required)
sticky boolean

Make the comment persistent on the subject

#modEventDivert - object

Divert a record's blobs to a 3rd party service for further scanning/tagging

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
#modEventEmail - object

Keep a log of outgoing email to a user

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string

Additional comment about the outgoing comm.

content string

The content of the email sent to the user.

subjectLine string (required)

The subject line of the email sent to the user.

#modEventEscalate - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
#modEventLabel - object

Apply/Negate labels on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
createLabelVals array (required)


durationInHours integer

Indicates how long the label will remain on the subject. Only applies on labels that are being added.

negateLabelVals array (required)


#modEventMute - object

Mute incoming reports on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
durationInHours integer (required)

Indicates how long the subject should remain muted.

#modEventMuteReporter - object

Mute incoming reports from an account

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
durationInHours integer

Indicates how long the account should remain muted. Falsy value here means a permanent mute.

#modEventReport - object

Report a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string
isReporterMuted boolean

Set to true if the reporter was muted from reporting at the time of the event. These reports won't impact the reviewState of the subject.

reportType ref (required)

Reference: com.atproto.moderation.defs#reasonType

#modEventResolveAppeal - object

Resolve appeal on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string

Describe resolution.

#modEventReverseTakedown - object

Revert take down action on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string

Describe reasoning behind the reversal.

#modEventTag - object

Add/Remove a tag on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
add array (required)

Tags to be added to the subject. If already exists, won't be duplicated.


comment string

Additional comment about added/removed tags.

remove array (required)

Tags to be removed to the subject. Ignores a tag If it doesn't exist, won't be duplicated.


#modEventTakedown - object

Take down a subject permanently or temporarily

Data Fields

Name Type Details
acknowledgeAccountSubjects boolean

If true, all other reports on content authored by this account will be resolved (acknowledged).

comment string
durationInHours integer

Indicates how long the takedown should be in effect before automatically expiring.

policies array

Names/Keywords of the policies that drove the decision.

Array Length: 5 max


#modEventUnmute - object

Unmute action on a subject

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string

Describe reasoning behind the reversal.

#modEventUnmuteReporter - object

Unmute incoming reports from an account

Data Fields

Name Type Details
comment string

Describe reasoning behind the reversal.

#modEventView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
createdAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

createdBy string (required)

Syntax Format: did

creatorHandle string
event union (required)

Open Union:

id integer (required)
subject union (required)

Open Union:

subjectBlobCids array (required)


subjectHandle string
#modEventViewDetail - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
createdAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

createdBy string (required)

Syntax Format: did

event union (required)

Open Union:

id integer (required)
subject union (required)

Open Union:

subjectBlobs array (required)

Elements are of type:

#moderation - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
subjectStatus ref

Reference: #subjectStatusView

#moderationDetail - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
subjectStatus ref

Reference: #subjectStatusView

#recordEvent - object

Logs lifecycle event on a record subject. Normally captured by automod from the firehose and emitted to ozone for historical tracking.

Data Fields

Name Type Details
cid string

Syntax Format: cid

comment string
op string (required)

Known Values: create, update, delete,

timestamp string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

#recordHosting - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
createdAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

deletedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

status string (required)

Known Values: deleted, unknown,

updatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

#recordView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
blobCids array (required)


cid string (required)

Syntax Format: cid

indexedAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

moderation ref (required)

Reference: #moderation

repo ref (required)

Reference: #repoView

uri string (required)

Syntax Format: at-uri

value unknown (required) Field can contain arbitrary JSON/CBOR object data
#recordViewDetail - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
blobs array (required)

Elements are of type:

cid string (required)

Syntax Format: cid

indexedAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

labels array

Elements are of type:

moderation ref (required)

Reference: #moderationDetail

repo ref (required)

Reference: #repoView

uri string (required)

Syntax Format: at-uri

value unknown (required) Field can contain arbitrary JSON/CBOR object data
#recordViewNotFound - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
uri string (required)

Syntax Format: at-uri

#recordsStats - object

Statistics about a set of record subject items

Data Fields

Name Type Details
appealedCount integer

Number of items that were appealed at least once

escalatedCount integer

Number of items that were escalated at least once

pendingCount integer

Number of item currently in "reviewOpen" or "reviewEscalated" state

processedCount integer

Number of item currently in "reviewNone" or "reviewClosed" state

reportedCount integer

Number of items that were reported at least once

subjectCount integer

Total number of item in the set

takendownCount integer

Number of item currently taken down

totalReports integer

Cumulative sum of the number of reports on the items in the set

#repoView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
deactivatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

email string
handle string (required)

Syntax Format: handle

indexedAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

inviteNote string
invitedBy ref

Reference: com.atproto.server.defs#inviteCode

invitesDisabled boolean
moderation ref (required)

Reference: #moderation

relatedRecords array (required)


threatSignatures array

Elements are of type:

#repoViewDetail - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
deactivatedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

email string
emailConfirmedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

handle string (required)

Syntax Format: handle

indexedAt string (required)

Syntax Format: datetime

inviteNote string
invitedBy ref

Reference: com.atproto.server.defs#inviteCode

invites array

Elements are of type:

invitesDisabled boolean
labels array

Elements are of type:

moderation ref (required)

Reference: #moderationDetail

relatedRecords array (required)


threatSignatures array

Elements are of type:

#repoViewNotFound - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
did string (required)

Syntax Format: did

#reviewClosed - token

Moderator review status of a subject: Closed. Indicates that the subject was already reviewed and resolved by a moderator

"Tokens" in atproto are simply NSID reference strings.

#reviewEscalated - token

Moderator review status of a subject: Escalated. Indicates that the subject was escalated for review by a moderator

"Tokens" in atproto are simply NSID reference strings.

#reviewNone - token

Moderator review status of a subject: Unnecessary. Indicates that the subject does not need a review at the moment but there is probably some moderation related metadata available for it

"Tokens" in atproto are simply NSID reference strings.

#reviewOpen - token

Moderator review status of a subject: Open. Indicates that the subject needs to be reviewed by a moderator

"Tokens" in atproto are simply NSID reference strings.

#subjectReviewState - string
#subjectStatusView - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
accountStats ref

Statistics related to the account subject

Reference: #accountStats

appealed boolean

True indicates that the a previously taken moderator action was appealed against, by the author of the content. False indicates last appeal was resolved by moderators.

comment string

Sticky comment on the subject.

createdAt string (required)

Timestamp referencing the first moderation status impacting event was emitted on the subject

Syntax Format: datetime

hosting union

Open Union:

id integer (required)
lastAppealedAt string

Timestamp referencing when the author of the subject appealed a moderation action

Syntax Format: datetime

lastReportedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

lastReviewedAt string

Syntax Format: datetime

lastReviewedBy string

Syntax Format: did

muteReportingUntil string

Syntax Format: datetime

muteUntil string

Syntax Format: datetime

recordsStats ref

Statistics related to the record subjects authored by the subject's account

Reference: #recordsStats

reviewState ref (required)

Reference: #subjectReviewState

subject union (required)

Open Union:

subjectBlobCids array


subjectRepoHandle string
suspendUntil string

Syntax Format: datetime

tags array


takendown boolean
updatedAt string (required)

Timestamp referencing when the last update was made to the moderation status of the subject

Syntax Format: datetime

#videoDetails - object

Data Fields

Name Type Details
height integer (required)
length integer (required)
width integer (required)